Comprehensive Surrogate Support

At Bioetica Derecho, we take immense pride in managing and nurturing all intending parents and our invaluable surrogates who make parenthood dreams come true.

Our holistic approach to surrogacy encompasses every facet of the surrogacy journey, with a deep commitment to ensuring the healthiest possible baby and the well-being of surrogate mothers.

We understand that the health and well-being of your future child are of paramount importance.

That's why we employ a meticulous process to select and support our surrogates, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of physical and emotional health:  

Routine Medical Assessments
Every surrogate undergoes comprehensive medical assessments, including physical and psychological evaluations. Our medical experts ensure that surrogates are in optimal health to carry a pregnancy. We ensure adequate provision of medical support to ensure surrogate mothers maintain good physical health, even after childbirth.  

Emotional Screening
Surrogate mothers undergo rigorous emotional screening to ensure their readiness and stability for the surrogacy journey. We believe that emotional well-being is a crucial aspect of a healthy pregnancy. We have a team of mental health specialists to ensure our surrogate mothers and intending parents maintain excellent emotional and mental wellbeing throughout the process.  

Lifestyle and Background Checks
We conduct thorough background checks and lifestyle assessments to ensure that surrogates maintain a healthy and stable living environment for the duration of their surrogacy journey.

Comprehensive Surrogate Care
Once selected, surrogate mothers become part of our extended family. We provide them with an array of comprehensive care and support services to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a positive surrogacy experience:

Insurance Coverage
We ensure that our surrogate mothers are covered by comprehensive health insurance, providing them with the peace of mind they deserve.

Vital Nutrition
Surrogates receive guidance on nutrition and essential prenatal vitamins to support the development of a healthy baby.  

Dedicated Nurse Manager
To provide the highest level of care, we've introduced a dedicated Nurse Manager who works closely with our surrogate mothers.

Our Nurse Manager accompanies surrogate mothers to all medical appointments, ensuring they receive the best care and support throughout their pregnancy.  

This personal touch ensures that no question goes unanswered and that medical procedures are understood. Additionally, our Nurse Manager conducts regular home visits to ensure that the surrogate mother's living environment is conducive to a healthy pregnancy.  

Legal Protections and Financial Management
We understand the importance of clear legal protections and ethical financial management. Our attorney is dedicated to crafting legally sound agreements that protect the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. We also offer financial management services to ensure fair and ethical compensation practices.  

Medical Expertise through Inser IVF Clinic Partnership
To provide the best possible medical care, we've partnered with Inser, the top IVF clinic in Colombia. This collaboration ensures that surrogate mothers receive the highest standard of medical care and support throughout their pregnancy journey.
Become a Surrogate Mother